
I don’t care what you want to do.
I don’t even care who you’re doing it to.

But if we shall remain the Land of the Free,
Then, would you please stop trying to do it to me?


Telling me I’m wrong,
Doesn’t make you right.
No matter how many times you tell me.

The louder you talk,
The harder it is to hear.
Mainly, because I’m ignoring you.

So, calm down.
Let’s start over again.
Just remember, I’m right.
(Just kidding.)

My Opinion

If you ask for my opinion,
I will share it. Freely.
It will not be what I think you want to hear.

If you ask for my opinion,
You will get what I think.
This is probably not what you are thinking.

If you ask for my opinion,
I will tell you why you are wrong.
It’s free. No extra charge.

If you ask for my opinion,