Long difficult month.
Poetry will help you heal.
Peace until next year.
Month: April 2021
Drawing a Blank
I’m not sure what goes here today.
I don’t know what I want to say.
So, I sit and watch the clock.
Trying to cure my writer’s block.
I could attempt some more haiku.
There should be something more to do.
This should be a meaningful account,
Not just a specific syllable count.
So, I will sit and watch the screen.
My imagination has been wiped clean.
Eventually, a concept will arrive.
As disco taught, I will survive.
A Day At Work
Sobbing and coffee.
Conference calls and meetings.
It is almost lunch.
Conference Call
Low background noises.
Thinking about weekend plans.
Someone called my name.
Dog Haiku
I need food. Much food.
I need to sleep until food.
I need food. Much food.
Old School
This is old school writing.
It is how I learned to write.
It is probably not for the
“younger generation.”
I write my thoughts.
Sometimes they rhyme.
People read my thoughts.
Sometimes they complain.
Nowadays, this should not
Just be words in stanzas.
There should be a video.
It would have me reading.
I would read the poem.
This way, you can just listen.
While you listen,
You can see me.
Nobody wants that.
Maybe just the words
Scrolling on the screen.
A lyric poem.
Watching it takes longer
Than just reading it.
Plus, before the video,
You can see an ad or two.
Also, the rest of the page
Should have stories about
My life, my wife, my dogs.
Anything that inspired me.
I am sorry, but I am old.
You do not have to film words.
You do not have to read to me.
I can read it by myself.
Work for common good.
Don’t get rich saving the world.
You still need money.
Five o’clock please come.
Brain is fried and spirit crushed.
Weekend reboot soul.
Work Day
I need my lunch.
I have to pee.
I need a break.
I need coffee.
We’ve been conferencing
Since nine this morn.
It seems like it’s been
Since I was born.
There can’t be this much to do.
There can’t be more slides.
I want to stretch my legs.
I want off my backsides.
Speaker is droning.
Colorful fonts and photos.
I want my hour back.