I have the idea for a chorus, and then it turned into a bunch of related choruses, but I have no idea what the verses would be. I was thinking if I wrote it down, it might help. So far, it hasn’t.
Steve Earle has a song called “Ashes to Ashes” on his “Jerusalem” album, I heard another song that uses the phrase on KNON yesterday (Thank you, Texas Renegade Radio!), and it is a great phrase for a country song, as are many Biblical phrases.
I’m beginning to think you just call this “Ashes to Ashes” and just use all the choruses as they are, and declared them verses. I suppose they should be in alphabetical order, but that may be trying to hard.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
Before I could drive,
I had to be bussed.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
Yeast, water and flour
Make your daily crust.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
I dropped the coffee,
And how Daddy cussed.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust.
It’s fire for the wicked,
And joy for the just.
(Editor’s note: that is the only one someone might actually use. I really like it.)
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
Out of all of my sins,
I’ve suffered most for my lust.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
If you want good wine,
You have to age the must.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust.
Hasn’t rained in forever,
So what caused all this rust?
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
The last thing to break
Is another man’s trust.
<last chorus, only makes sense live, why do I hear Jim or Jason sing this?>
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust.
There’s a woman down front
With a mighty fine bust.