I’m getting the feeling that
We have a generation that can’t read.
You have to show them graphics – not text,
And it’s really best to have a movie.
I love technology,
But not for it’s own sake.
Let’s not use it just because
The CEO overpaid for it.
If you have something to say,
Just email or call me.
I’ll respond if required.
Don’t send a link to your blog.
If you have an announcement,
Just make it.
Don’t make me watch a video
A week from Tuesday.
Worst of all now days,
Is the video blog,
Where some minor exec
Reads you his email.
The issue with video blogs,
At least for me,
Is that you see how poorly
Some of these people present.
Please send your foils out first.
(I’m old. They’re not slides. They’re foils.)
I will happily read your foils.
Then, I will think to myself,
“How can this take an hour to present?”
When I read someone’s foils,
My usual thought is,
“Wow. That’s an hour I would have wasted.”
Then, I hang up and go back to work.
Here’s the thing people miss these days.
Work is not an action movie.
There is little action at all sometimes.
So why pretend it’s exciting?
If you’re going to pretend it’s exciting,
Let’s have a video game presentation.
Everyone could watch from home,
And interact with the presenter.
Hit the CEO in the nose,
She has to go on to the next slide.
Blow the CEO up,
That’s lunch, everybody!
That could actually be fun.
She couldn’t just stand and read.
Just send me the foils first,
So I know what was supposed to be said.