When Woman has a bad day,
Man hears about it.
Loud and long.
Man finds this stressful.
Stress is bad.
When Man has a bad day,
Women hear about it.
Loud and not so long.
Woman should find this stressful.
Instead, Man is then asked,
“Why are you blaming this on me?“
So, now, Man has work stress.
Also, he owes Woman an apology
For the crime of attempted stress.
Man must apologizing to Woman
For something Woman does to Man.
Man does not know how to apologize.
Man does not understand the issue.
This is extremely stressful.
Double stress is really bad.
Man drops dead of stress.
Woman says, “He was so young.”
Woman takes a cruise to relax.
She throws Man’s ashes overboard.
No more stress.
Woman has a bad day.
She goes shopping
With her inheritance.
Finds some goodies.
No more stress.