
I am watching my son.
He is on YouTube.
He is not playing sports.
He is not at band camp.

In these modern times,
Many parents watch their sons
On YouTube or TikTok.
Most are appalled.

I am rather proud.
It is an older video.
It is from last year.
He is preaching.

He is a professor,
Not a preacher,
But professors
Just lecture.

So, he is lecturing.
However, it is in Chapel.
That is pretty much

My son is at his job,
Talking about Jesus.
I mention Jesus at work,
But in a different context.

How did a lowly sinner
Such as I
Produced a preacher?
(Even part-time.)

I’m sure his Mom
Takes all the credit.
That’s how it works.
Athletes say, “Hi Mom!”

Preachers talk about
The Father and the Son.
I guess I got half-credit
In the divorce.

Go away.


I gave up coffee for Lent.
The inspiration was heaven-sent.
I survived the headache.
Now I don’t even shake.

It wasn’t the coffee I miss.
It’s the little breaks of bliss.
Now I’m at my desk all morning.
Whether it’s dry or even storming.

I just sit at work until lunch.
I stare at the screen a bunch.
I don’t even miss the caffeine.
I just zzzzzzzzzzz.


I wandered into the kitchen.
Someone was defrosting chicken.
We’re having chicken tonight.
What a delight!

The next break from toiling,
I found the chicken boiling.
I almost cried.
I much prefer fried.

Chicken cooked in water.
It must be for my daughter.
She’s a bit bitchy
And she won’t take her pills.