
I wandered into the kitchen.
Someone was defrosting chicken.
We’re having chicken tonight.
What a delight!

The next break from toiling,
I found the chicken boiling.
I almost cried.
I much prefer fried.

Chicken cooked in water.
It must be for my daughter.
She’s a bit bitchy
And she won’t take her pills.

Pet Parents

My funny little puppy
Jumps where he is able.
So, we all eat standing up,
Instead of at the table.

My sleepy little puppy
Unlocks his crate with his snout.
It’s impressive that he can get in,
We’re glad he can’t get out.

My skinny little puppy
Always sheds his hair.
He could be very, very large.
But he’s spread out everywhere.

My crazy little puppy
Always wants a snack.
She never can relax at all
We’ll feed her Doggie Prozac.

A LIttle Off The Top

Mommy cut my hair today.
Most of it just went away.
I mean, she trimed me lots and lots.
I’m glad I like my new bald spots.

I saw my brother filled with dread,
He forgot that he can shed.
He never gets a Mommy trim,
He’s never sliced from limb to limb.

You know, Dad’s looking a bit shaggy.
His sideburns are just a little scraggy.
I think he’s hiding from my Mom.
Next time, I think I’ll go along.


Katie is a lovely dog
She knows that she is mine.
She only has one tiny fault.
She cannot tell the time.

Katie knows that dinner time
Is every night at seven.
So, she starts her dinner whine
At six-ten or six-eleven.

Sometimes, this will work.
I will feed them early.
Katie learned that dinner time
Arrives some nights prematurely.

Katie knows that dinner time
Is every night at six-fifteen
So, she starts her dinner whine
At five-thirty, six or in-between.

Once the whining has commenced,
She never tends to drop it.
Only puppy food in quantity
Seems to make her stop it.

Katie knows that dinner time
Is sometime after four.
So, she starts her dinner whine
Sometime the day before.

The one part of my dear Kate
That never needs explaining.
She only has two speeds in life,
Sound asleep and loud complaining.