Lost At Sea

Sailing to Europe,
Will take over a week.
Onboard, it’s all quiet,
Your phone doesn’t shriek.

That’s a major benefit
Of being at sea.
You can be connected,
Or you can be free.

A ship is not like a plane,
Where you arrive hours later.
Trips are measured in days.
Whether cruise ship or freighter.

I used to ride trains,
Traveled from coast to coast.
Speed of 79 miles per hour,
That was the most.

I drive faster than that when I’m late for work. Unless you’re a police officer.

With “pedal to the metal”,
A ship might do 20 knots.
That’s 23 miles per hour.
Which is “slow” in some spots.

Flying home just last month,
We were doing 20 knots in a jet.
We were taxiing to the runway.
Since we weren’t flying yet.

So, a cruise isn’t quick,
It can take quite  a while.
But that’s not always bad.
You’ll arrive with a smile.

Rush Hour

Why am I still at work?
I should be home.
I’m such a jerk. 

There’s one good way 
From there to here,
It’s being rebuilt,
Over four long years.

So, traffic keeps me working late,
I have a lot upon my plate. 
Still, I’d rather be with family,
But traffic keeps me in agony.

It’s a hot, dry day in Dallas town.
The roads are straight all around.
Yet, cars crash and many swerved,
I’m glad the streets aren’t really curved.



Off through the gloom,
To God’s Waiting Room.
I guess I should be glad
We’re not going to Buffalo.

Mr Disney bought a swamp,
Drained it with a Mickey Pump,
And now people go there.
On purpose.

(They’re at the gate next to me.)

No, that last verse didn’t rhyme,
I just didn’t take the time.
Ask Jimmy Buffett what rhymes
With ‘swamp”.  He’s from there.

I worry about a State that ends in “Duh”.